Wonderful Kampar Kiri

Kampar Kiri dan Kampar Kiri Hulu, memiliki Spot-spot wisata yang menarik baik itu wisata Budaya maupun wisata alamnya. untuk informasi tentang paket wisata bisa menghubungi admin RNA (Riau Nature Adventur) di No WhatsApp dengan Nuskan Syarif 085264595922

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2022


For the people of the Batu Songgan Caliphate and especially the indigenous people of Rantau Kampar Kiri, Province Riau. The forest is a treasure that must be protected an maintained, bicause forests and rivers are a source of life and identity for indigenous peoples. 

The Indogenous peoples in the Batu Songgan Caliphate divedes the forest area into 8 (Eight) parts, namely : Settlement of residential land, Designation for the cemetery, Allotmen for cultivation and plantations, Designation for protein/Fish Soucer, Alloment of the public and educational facilities, Reserve Imbo (Imbo Cadangan), Imbo utilization (Imbo pemanfaatan), and customary forbidden forest/Imbo Gano (Imbo Perlindungan/larangan). In forest management, indigenous peoples have a good level of preservation. In addition, protecting the river is also important for indigenous peoples.Indigenous peoples have good knowledge in seeing the situation and situation in the field, the forest becomes a catchment area and a flood guard fort, and traditional leaders forbid their nephews to spend the forest on a slope of more than 30 degrees, this aims to maintain a water catchment zone when it rains. 

In the river, the indigenous people have a protection zone called Lubuk larangan Adat. This prohibition pit will be harvested every five years, by inviting nephews, both in the village and outside the village. a traditional party will be held when opening the bottom of this prohibition.n this prohibition area, the community is prohibited from engaging in activities such as fishing, if this prohibition is violated then the community will be rewarded for their mistakes. 
Indigenous peoples, maintain existing customary institutions and they continue to maintain them to this day. in their daily life they are always based on religion and customs, so that the behavior of indigenous peoples still holds high manners. Since the ban on farming, indigenous peoples have lost many customs, the custom of slaughtering rice, the custom of opening fields, all are lost now, and what's even worse is that all the basic needs of the community can be obtained by bringing them from outside the village or from the sub-district capital. the loss of farming culture makes indigenous people consumptive, and everything is reversed when they are still cultivating rice. life from time to time becomes difficult, so that indigenous peoples do things that were never done to the forest, now everything is done to meet the lives and costs of school children outside the village. pressure from state stakeholders has also forgotten the basic rights of indigenous peoples, the government has issued various regulations on the protection and recognition of indigenous peoples, but the basic rights of indigenous peoples are still being ignored. 
Here is a lot of talk about the protection and recognition of indigenous peoples out there, but the basic needs that indigenous peoples need have never been fought for. Protection and preservation of forests is indeed important at this time, but do not kill the indigenous peoples who have been protecting their forests and rivers with the customary system so far. and the remaining forests today are forests which are well guarded by indigenous peoples. and the contribution of indigenous peoples to this conservation cannot be underestimated, because without them the existing forests will be exhausted by encroachers.

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