Wonderful Kampar Kiri

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Minggu, 09 Januari 2022

The Life of the Indigenous People in The Subayang river


Activities of children in the Kekhalifahan Batu Songgan close to natureand rivers, at their age they have been taught how to fish in rivers, gardening and understand the natural wealth that axists.


The kekhalifahan Batu Songgan Consists of 6 States and 8 Villages these 6 countries are locates along the Subayang river. people lives dapend on forests and rivers and the transportatin used is a boad in the local language piyau. The Source of the local community's economy comes from rubber plantations and forest products. for food source, almost all of them are imported from outside. the result obtained are not commensurate whit the price of food, in addition, the need for children's school fees comes from the same barn. 

Indigenous Women are working together to claen cooking ingredients in traditional procession



Non Timber Forest Products are very abundant in every village in subayang Watershed, but the community has not been managed properly so that it has not provided maximum economic velue to the community. 

The Kampar district government cannot carry out developments to the community, because the village is located in a wildlife reserve area, so developments is slow and confined. at this time what indigenous people do is only survive in all limitations and struggle to survive from day to day. 

Indigenous youth Fishing in telocal Manabok language

Community development in terms of empowerment, both agriculture and alternative economics, should be the attention of stakehorders in Kampar Regency. so that people's live can be better and the economy grows. 

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